Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kiss Me

Ben and Leslie finally kissed on "Parks and Recreation" this week. Following what has often been a very weak and tired tradition, the show played with the "will-they-or-won't-they" theme, putting together two people who are clearly perfect for each other and waiting to see if they realize it or not. Unlike most shows that have attempted this, the writers and actors on "Parks and Recreation" succeeded with this story line, I've actually come to care about these two characters and have been on pins and needles the past few weeks waiting see if they would finally end up together.

There were no false starts and misunderstandings and set ups, and all the old tired ploys writers have been using for years to bring together and pull apart your favorite characters. Instead, these characters were allowed to act like adults, slightly goofy under the influence of budding crushes, but still in control of their lives and actions. They actually had an honest conversation about their feelings for each other and the ramifications a relationship would have for their careers (staff fraternization is frowned upon at Pawnee city hall).

On Thursday night, it seemed like that might be that, that like many stoic characters throughout literary history, Ben and Leslie would sacrifice happiness for duty, and just get in with their lives. Instead, this happened:

That was a damn fine first kiss, passionate, deliberate and realistic. They didn't push each other up against a wall, nothing was swept off the desk. I can't find the exact quote, but I believe it was Entertainment Weekly who wrote about how great the first kiss was between Luke and Lorelei on "Gilmore Girls" because it was all about two adults who knew exactly what they wanted, as you can see below.

That was the Ben/Leslie kiss, so built up and so worth the wait.

I've watched "Parks and Recreation" from the beginning, interested to see what the people behind the American "Office" would do with local politics. The show started off as a pure "Office" clone, the characters and situations in Pawnee having equal counterparts at Dunder-Mifflin. Toward the end of the first season, the show found its own quirky yet optimistic voice and has become one of my favorite TV comedies.

This season's addition of the characters of Ben and Chris, two state government bureaucrats brought in to save the floundering town, has made the show only stronger. The Ben/Leslie relationship has been the icing on the cake. As an adult, it's nice to see grownups have grown-up relationships, not all swoony and silly but not all tortured and angsty either. As "Parks and Recreation" climbs in the ratings and garners more critical praise, maybe other writers will take notice and bring us more honest relationships to get caught up in every week on our favorite shows.

To go along with this fabulous kissing theme, New Found Glory's goofy, fun version of "Kiss Me."

1 comment:

  1. Awww, now I want to watch the episode. Luckily, there's OnDemand!
